Announcing the WGS12L! | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Announcing the WGS12L!

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Announcing the WGS12L!

Wooo-hooo!  What an awesome day to be alive and playing electric guitar!WGS 12L WGS12L

I’m so jazzed to announce the formal release of a speaker that has been in the rumor-mill for quite some time: The WGS12L. 

Yes, this is the WGS take on the fabled Electro-Voice WEVM12L.  Rreleased way back in 1973, this was the speaker that allowed folks like Randall Smith to build amps like his Mesa-Boogie 1x12 100-watt combos.  Before this time, that amount of power was strictly the domain of multi-speaker rigs. In its day, the EVM12L was a real game-changer.  The 12L was a direct descendant of speakers designed for high-power PA use, but it was re-engineered to sound good as a guitar speaker while retaining its extraordinary (for the time) power handling ability.  I’ve called Tennessee home for for nearly the last 30 years, and I’ve got a soft spot in my heart for the EVM12L because it was made exclusively at the E-V plant in Newport, Tennessee from its inception in 1973 until that plant was closed in 2002.  Yea, that was a sad day; and it could be argued that the EVM12L (and its big sister the 15L) have never been quite the same since.  This may be a small part of the impetus behind the development of the WGS12L.

To this day, some contend that no one has ever made a guitar speaker capable of over 100-watts RMS that can hold a candle to the tone of the EVM12L.  That may have been true YESTERDAY, but not TODAY!  Enter the WGS12L.  The WGS12L can compete head-to-head against an authentic Newport, TN made EVM12L on any possible level, and boy-howdy is the WGS12L a looker!  Sporting a hammered black & silver powder coat finish on its massive frame, this speaker is one serious sight to behold.  Like the E-V, the WGS12L is massive, but it’s also GORGEOUS at the same time; no one’s ever said that about an EVM12L.

So, how does this bad-girl sound?  Well … it just so happens I’ve got a video to answer that question!  You all saw that one coming, didn’t you?  I’ll give you a quick summary:  clean, they almost can’t be told apart … they’re THAT close; dirty they start to sound just a LITTLE different … with the WGS12L having just a SLIGHT bit more upper “edge” than the EVM.  But shoot … y’all take a listen & let me know what YOU think.  Keep in mind that the WGS12L is straight out of the box with zero break-in time.

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Thomas Madden
07/23/2014 4:58pm

Third times a charm:  can this speaker be pruchased in 4ohm for a Bassman combo?

07/30/2014 12:34am

Not sure!  Leave a msg for Dean ... maybe Wayne ... on the main ph# and ask.  Dean has custom made 4-ohm models of other speakers ...

Michael McWilliams
07/30/2014 12:17am



Great demo, Vaughn. I personally preferred the EV to the WGS as it seemed to have a bit more brightness and punch  coming from the lo-fi speaker inside my iPad. To be fair, the WGS was fresh out of the box as you said and it did sound somewhat constrained, but I'm sure it matches up well if I heard it A-B'd in person.  I'd like to hear you do this comparison again after the 12L is broken in!