Win a FREE "Custom-Shop" WGS Speaker! | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Win a FREE "Custom-Shop" WGS Speaker!

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Win a FREE "Custom-Shop" WGS Speaker!



Hi-diddly-ho fair neighbors!  I pen this blog from my back porch on a perfect 70-degree spring day; the sun is shining, the birds are singing like mad, and my dog Sasha is asleep at my feet without a care in the world.  What could be better?  How about a free WGS speaker ... and not just any WGS speaker, but one that is custom designed by YOU to your exact specs?  Okay, go ahead, pinch yourself.  Did you feel it?  You’re not dreaming; this is real!  It’s all the brain-child of WGS production manager, Dean Birdsong.  Truth be told, Dean’s the real speaker guru at WGS; he’s been making speakers his entire adult life.  In all those years, Dean has never happened upon a speaker cone that has inspired him like the cone currently being used in the Liberator.  As Dean puts it "that darn cone sounds great in every configuration we try it in".  And so it is that the concept for the worlds first fully customized hand-made in America guitar speaker was envisioned, built around the Liberator cone.  Dean is so into this idea that when I asked for a pic of him building a speaker, he actually said yes.

Dean at Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Here, the man himself is shown assembling three "H-motor" Liberator prototypes.  READ ON for the full scoop on how to win your own dream life ... okay, I got overly excited there ... what I intended to say was dream SPEAKER (same thing, right?),READ ON!

So, as a way of unveiling the new built-to-order "Custom Shop" speakers, we’d like to give you, the faithful readers of this blog a chance at getting your dream design for free!  Gratis, on-the-house, complementary, we are talking totally LIBERATED of all costs, even shipping!  Sure, go ahead ... pinch yourself again.  Awake?  Okay then, let’s get to the details of this here lil ol’ contest.

To enter, all you need to do is give a little thought to just exactly what you would like in a speaker; then, post back here on this blog with your individual choices, and give your reasoning.  The person who most impresses DEAN with his sound reasoning for a particular design will get his speaker made and signed by Dean himself and shipped to you with a certificate of authenticity stating it to be the first in the Custom Shop series.  And again the cost: exactly zero dollars & zero cents!

Okay, now listen closely!  Here are the choices:

Magnet: either medium (M) or Heavy (H). 

Power-handling (voice-coil): 30, 65, or 90-watt.  (For an explanation of how magnet size and voice-coil size affect tone, read last week’s blog).

Dope: Heavy, Medium, or None (read my blog from 2-weeks back); AND: you can choose "American" dope that, according to Dean "soaks into the cone more, with more of a dampening effect", or "British" type that "lays on top of the cone and doesn’t affect the tone as much".

And, the cherry on the top: Dust Cap type/size!  Choose from: the large ET65 style, which subdues highs just a little bit; the small dust-cap of the Vet 30, which adds just a slight touch of brightness; or the more acoustically neutral mesh style of the Reaper.

***The not-so fine print: by entering the contest you agree to send us a pic of you with the new speaker if you win, and you agree that WGS can use your name and picture.  Only one entry per person or household, WGS employees & family are not eligible.  Now, let’s get going!

Here is the "official" entry form, please cut-n-paste this in your reply/entry.



Style of music I play:

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):

Dope (heavy, med, none):

Dope type (Britt or American):

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):

Reasoning behind my choices:


That’s it! We will announce the winner on theWGS facebook page on Thursday, March 15th.  Best of luck to ya!  Oh, and do me a favor: hit that little flame-thingie that rates this blog ... nobody has been doing that lately, and my lil ol feelings are gettin hurt...


Insasne, over-the-top uber-cool update:

Chris Hayes, WGS's resident graphic-artist guy (responsible for the new logos) has just said that he will provide a once-in-a-lifetime custom label for this speaker - taking into account the winner's style & preference!

Man, it just keeps getting better!

Oh, and concerning "comments" (your entry):

  • You must sign-in to post
  • Your comments will not post untill "approved" (because of spam issues)

email Vaughn    About Vaughn Skow

03/07/2012 6:00pm

Name: Angel Ramirez

Style of music I play: Blues/Rock/Jazz

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65 watt

Dope (heavy, med, none): med

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET


Reasoning behind my choices:

Hello WGS,

The reason behind my choices are heavily affected by the magical unicorn portayed in your boxes.

I choose a medium magnet so that the air the speaker moves oscilates more freely. 65 watts are requiered in case I choose to drive this speaker alone. The dope on the speaker would be British medium to protect the cone without altering it's natural sound. Lastly, the Dust Cap can be an ET to roll off a bit of the highs as I drive my Strat over the rainbow.

03/09/2012 8:23am


Name:Gary Noll

Style of music I play:METAL

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):65

Dope (heavy, med, none):Whatever you recommend

Dope type (Britt or American):Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):Vet

Reasoning behind my choices:I currently use Vintage 30s... Build me something that CRUSHES it!


03/09/2012 2:47pm

Name: Jerod Quinn

Style of Music: Blues, Rock, and old-timey Americana. 

Magnet: Medium.

Power: 30 watt.

Dope: None.

Dust Cap: ET

Reasoning behind my choices: I can't say I have a uniquely origional line of reasoning behind my selection of speaker options. I am just trying to find my voice. All I really want to do is get the music and sounds I hear in my head to come through my guitar, amp, and speaker so they can live in a place where others can hear them. I am pretty sure that what I hear in my head is a low-watt, raw, deep and honest sound. I think this custom WGS speaker would help move me closer to matching the tones I hear in my head to the sounds that come out of my rig. Thank you.

03/10/2012 12:53pm

Name: Dmitry

Style of music I play: Crossover, Death, Progressive

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65

Dope (heavy, med, none): heavy

Dope type (Britt or American): American

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): reaper

Reasoning behind my choices: I'm searching for modern heavy speaker. It must be 15"(or 12" in bad case) and have mighty lows and low mids. And so crazy hi fo harmonics and shred

03/12/2012 1:22pm



Style of music I play:

Music that takes you places farther away, giving you feelings like a warm sunny day.


Magnet (Heavy or Medium):

A medium magnet for my old stubborn spine will keep my amp singing and my back feeling fine.


Power (30, 65, 90 watt):

We’ll do 65 for it’s right in the middle, my one amp is large, but the others are little.


Dope (heavy, med, none):

Dope, I steer clear of, it gives me the munchies, for my speaker use medium to retain some of the crunchies.


Dope type (Britt or American):

It’s the Brits that I love, Monty Python, Top Gear, some say that your Dean has a golden tinged ear.


Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):

 The ET I adore, a Vet may be too clear, the Reapers the dust cap for my speaker this year.


Reasoning behind my choices:

The reasons are clear, they’re listed above, an ET65 for my DRRI is a speaker I love, I’d try them all from WGS, there’s nothing that I’d hate but a custom build from you guys just makes me salivate….

03/13/2012 1:31am

Hi Vaughn & the WGS speaker crew,

Love the blog & reading up here/researching about speakers.

Here is what I would have in a custom speaker:

Name: Jonathan Taylor

Style of music I play: Atlernative Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):30watts

Dope (heavy, med, none):None (however I would actually prefer light doping if you could do it)  

Dope type (Britt or American):Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices:

I chose the medium magnet & 30 watts because I don’t need a lot of headroom & want a speaker that will break up easily when pushed.  Also most of my amps are rated for 20 watts or under so this type of magnet & wattage will suit them better.  I know a light dope wasn’t offered however I would have either none or a very light “Britt” dope to let the raw open tone of the cone come through.   This will allow the speaker to be articulate & responsive to my playing.  And finally the “Reaper” style dust cap to again leave the tone of the cone as unaltered as possible. 

03/14/2012 12:28pm


Name: Micah Ben Hernandez, Born March 15 1988...(coincidence, I hope not. Haha)

Style of music I play: Jazz Rock or Jazz Alt(I suppose)

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65watter

Dope (heavy, med, none): Med

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices: I would like the tone to start with a medium magnet size paired with 65watts of power so it can have enough capability to be pushed for some singing break up or remain clean but also fat when needed as well, as my playing style often toggles between the two, heavy fuzzed out to tight distortion switched to creamy warm jazzy sounds. I am playing through a 120watt '69 Ampeg VT-22 this is a loud bone crushing vintage beast but has a great soft side. Which brings me to my next choice the dope style I'm going the "best of both worlds" approach, so I'm thinking a medium "British" style dope which more like a thin sheet lays across and protects without too much sacrifice of vintage speaker love, keeping the cone intact but also having the right amount of articulation and soul(I'm hoping) when my fingers caress the strings. And last but not least the dust cap size, with all mentioned above I'm curious to see what the Reaper style cap will bring to the 65 watt, medium mag, british dope, table. The neutral sound of that cap should help in letting the tone of my guitar breathe through the speaker more and also giving it a unique tone of its own... beause thats what we're all chasing, love, and live for, our own BEAUTIFUL GOOD TONE! 

