Win a FREE "Custom-Shop" WGS Speaker! | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Win a FREE "Custom-Shop" WGS Speaker!

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Win a FREE "Custom-Shop" WGS Speaker!



Hi-diddly-ho fair neighbors!  I pen this blog from my back porch on a perfect 70-degree spring day; the sun is shining, the birds are singing like mad, and my dog Sasha is asleep at my feet without a care in the world.  What could be better?  How about a free WGS speaker ... and not just any WGS speaker, but one that is custom designed by YOU to your exact specs?  Okay, go ahead, pinch yourself.  Did you feel it?  You’re not dreaming; this is real!  It’s all the brain-child of WGS production manager, Dean Birdsong.  Truth be told, Dean’s the real speaker guru at WGS; he’s been making speakers his entire adult life.  In all those years, Dean has never happened upon a speaker cone that has inspired him like the cone currently being used in the Liberator.  As Dean puts it "that darn cone sounds great in every configuration we try it in".  And so it is that the concept for the worlds first fully customized hand-made in America guitar speaker was envisioned, built around the Liberator cone.  Dean is so into this idea that when I asked for a pic of him building a speaker, he actually said yes.

Dean at Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Here, the man himself is shown assembling three "H-motor" Liberator prototypes.  READ ON for the full scoop on how to win your own dream life ... okay, I got overly excited there ... what I intended to say was dream SPEAKER (same thing, right?),READ ON!

So, as a way of unveiling the new built-to-order "Custom Shop" speakers, we’d like to give you, the faithful readers of this blog a chance at getting your dream design for free!  Gratis, on-the-house, complementary, we are talking totally LIBERATED of all costs, even shipping!  Sure, go ahead ... pinch yourself again.  Awake?  Okay then, let’s get to the details of this here lil ol’ contest.

To enter, all you need to do is give a little thought to just exactly what you would like in a speaker; then, post back here on this blog with your individual choices, and give your reasoning.  The person who most impresses DEAN with his sound reasoning for a particular design will get his speaker made and signed by Dean himself and shipped to you with a certificate of authenticity stating it to be the first in the Custom Shop series.  And again the cost: exactly zero dollars & zero cents!

Okay, now listen closely!  Here are the choices:

Magnet: either medium (M) or Heavy (H). 

Power-handling (voice-coil): 30, 65, or 90-watt.  (For an explanation of how magnet size and voice-coil size affect tone, read last week’s blog).

Dope: Heavy, Medium, or None (read my blog from 2-weeks back); AND: you can choose "American" dope that, according to Dean "soaks into the cone more, with more of a dampening effect", or "British" type that "lays on top of the cone and doesn’t affect the tone as much".

And, the cherry on the top: Dust Cap type/size!  Choose from: the large ET65 style, which subdues highs just a little bit; the small dust-cap of the Vet 30, which adds just a slight touch of brightness; or the more acoustically neutral mesh style of the Reaper.

***The not-so fine print: by entering the contest you agree to send us a pic of you with the new speaker if you win, and you agree that WGS can use your name and picture.  Only one entry per person or household, WGS employees & family are not eligible.  Now, let’s get going!

Here is the "official" entry form, please cut-n-paste this in your reply/entry.



Style of music I play:

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):

Dope (heavy, med, none):

Dope type (Britt or American):

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):

Reasoning behind my choices:


That’s it! We will announce the winner on theWGS facebook page on Thursday, March 15th.  Best of luck to ya!  Oh, and do me a favor: hit that little flame-thingie that rates this blog ... nobody has been doing that lately, and my lil ol feelings are gettin hurt...


Insasne, over-the-top uber-cool update:

Chris Hayes, WGS's resident graphic-artist guy (responsible for the new logos) has just said that he will provide a once-in-a-lifetime custom label for this speaker - taking into account the winner's style & preference!

Man, it just keeps getting better!

Oh, and concerning "comments" (your entry):

  • You must sign-in to post
  • Your comments will not post untill "approved" (because of spam issues)

email Vaughn    About Vaughn Skow

03/04/2012 3:36pm

Name: Bryan Wright

Style of music I play: Praise and Worship

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none): Medium

Dope type (Britt or American): British (medium)

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Vet 30

Reasoning behind my choices: I work in low wattage situations. I believe that a heavy magnet coupled with a low powered voice coil, medium british dope, and a Vet 30 dust cap would give a good full-bodied, wide range response that would yield an open, yet ever-so-slightly colored tone that would mate well with the current wave of lower-powered boutique amplifiers.

02/24/2012 10:38pm

Name:  Lee

Style of music I play:  Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):  Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):  65

Dope (heavy, med, none):  med

Dope type (Britt or American):  Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):  Vet

Reasoning behind my choices:

Magnet:  Most of the speakers I own and like the most have heavy magnets.

Power:  65W is probably the best match for the amp of mine I'd most like to try it in (Mesa Studio Caliber), but would also work with most of my other amps so I could mix and match with my Vet30 and ET65 in my 2x12s.

Dope:  I was thinking med would be a good comprmise between articulation and robustness.

Dope type:  I went Britt because I don't have any Britt amps and would like something with a Britt vibe.

Dust Cap:   Reaper, because I don't have one!  Yet

02/24/2012 10:52pm


Name: Eddie Leon

Style of music I play:Blues Rock/Some metal

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):65

Dope (heavy, med, none):Med or light

Dope type (Britt or American):Brit

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices:..Not really sure...seems maybe its the best of both worlds


Michael Myers
02/24/2012 10:55pm


Name: Michael Myers

Style of music I play: Rock, pop, soul, and a little country

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 90 watt

Dope (heavy, med, none): medium

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Vet

Reasoning behind my choices: Build this speaker and you will know why I chose these items. Big heavy magnet and high power rating to handle the day to day abuse of being on the road with a high powered tube amp playing both clean and distorted, medium Britt dope to give the speaker a lot of years of life without completely robbing the tone, and a Vet dust cap that will bring out those upper tones and allow this speaker to cut through the heaviest mix. That would be my dream speaker. Hope that you get to build it for me. 


02/24/2012 11:18pm


Trent Lynn


Style of music I play:

Metal (is there any other type?)


Magnet (Heavy or Medium):



Power (30, 65, 90 watt):



Dope (heavy, med, none):



Dope type (Britt or American):



Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):



Reasoning behind my choices:

What’s up WGS, Vaughn, Dean and Chris!  So, you’re going to put together my speaker?  Well, I need a speaker that can bring the brutal metal tones!  What better day to announce the speaker, on the Ides of March.  Well, Brutus did the dirty deed that day and betrayed and killed Caesar.  And, I think that sets the tone for some HEAVY tones! 


I’ve got a high-gain amp and need a speaker to match.  I chose a medium magnet and medium, British style dope because I would like a speaker that is great for articulate lead/solo playing.  This speaker needs to scream.  I’m looking for bright/pronounced mids/highs, like Brutus, who also dished out a notorious “spike”.   And, it needs extremely tight lows.  The best I could tell from the pictures was that the Retro had a small shallow dust cap which will really bring out those mids and highs to make this speaker sing.



02/24/2012 11:57pm


Name: Bill Montague hence, The Monty

Style of music I play: Noisy guitar based Noise.

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium please.

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65 watter

Dope (heavy, med, none): medium dope

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt dope, like Kief! Yeah.

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Small, like Mic Jagger small.

Reasoning behind my choices: Love Dopey doped up STONES, Man.


02/25/2012 12:03am
Name: Fred Bieling
Style of music I play: classic rock
Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavey
Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30
Dope (heavy, med, none): heavey
Dope type (Britt or American):American
Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET
Reasoning behind my choices: I play a early '90s Marshal Blues Breaker RI and I'm looking for a speaker that can both tame some of the highs and handle a decent amount of bass without getting flubby, yet at the same time start to get a little break up like the greenbacks. Kind of a hybrid Reaper/Green Beret to pair with another greenback. 
02/25/2012 12:29am

Name: Kenne Cramer

Style of music I play: Jazz, Blues, Roots & Country

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):  65 watts

Dope (heavy, med, none): Med.

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices:

I've been searching for years for the perfect speaker for my '66 Deluxe Reverb. The original speaker is great for recording but not for live work. I've had a Jensen reissue P12N, (not enough low end), a Reverend All Tone,( breaks up to early), Celestion Vintage 30, (made in UK, very good but a little brittle on the highs and very susceptable to cone-cry), and currently an Eminence Texas Heat, (good speaker all around but still not "the one"). Help, this is my main giging amp more often than not and it's so lonely all these years looking for it's mate.  

02/25/2012 8:33am



Name: Rob MacAulay

Style of music I play: Classic Rock / Punk / Grunge / Indie (a bit)

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30 Watt

Dope (heavy, med, none): medium

Dope type (Britt or American): American

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET

Reasoning behind my choices: A bit of a guess, since I don't have enough experience, really!

Anyway, the point is that I play on low-power amps, in the 4 to 18 watt range. Hence the low power rating; I want the speaker to break up earlier.

Also, my 18W amp seems a bit bright, so I want to tone the highs. The H motor should give more bottom end, as far as I understand.

The ET dustcap should also de-emphasise the highs a bit.

As far as doping goes, I'm a bit scared to go for no dope, (which might well give a nice raw edge - don't know!), hence the medium dope, and the choice of American type to again keep the highs in check.




02/25/2012 10:13am

Name:  Vinnie

Style of music I play: New/Old Country, Southern Rock, Bar room dancin' rock.

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30 watt

Dope (heavy, med, none): Medium

Dope type (Britt or American): American

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET

Reasoning behind my choices: We play 40-50 shows a year and Reliablility, Portability and sound quality are very important to me. I use 15 - 30 watt amps 95% of the time, so a 30 watt speaker will fit the bill. I want a speaker cab that is light in weight and sounds great. I want the ET style cap to knock off some of the highs so people can listen to us for several hours and not get ear fatigue. I want medium American dope to keep the sound consistant and not overbearing.

02/25/2012 10:35am

Name: James Grundner

Style of music I play: Blues, Blues Rock, Southern Hard Rock, NU-Metal

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 90 Watts

Dope (heavy, med, none): Heavy Dope

Dope type (Britt or American): British

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET

Reasoning behind my choices: I have been looking for a speaker swap for my main amp. I have a 6505+ 60 watt combo which is arguably one of the most versitile amps I have ever played. Able to pull of everything from sweet clean blues tones to full bore metal. The only downfall is the stock speaker.

I need a speaker that can handle its power and low end punch while adding smooth defined midrange and giving me portability. Currently I'm running it through my custom 4x12 loaded with ET65's which adds just the right amount of Classic British tone to the modern American sound of this amp. Having a 90 watt monster version of the WGS ET would give me the versatility to get just the right tone for whatever style gig I'm working, be it Blues or Metal, without having to lug my 4x12 with me all the time. Thinking a Liberator on steroids, big tight lows, smooth defined midrange, and tamed high end.

02/25/2012 12:51pm


Name: Lucas Americo Mazini

Style of music I play: Rock, Hardrock, Pop, Metal, Blues...

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30w

Dope (heavy, med, none): Med

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Vet

Reasoning behind my choices: I believe there should be more options of low-power Speakers.

There's tons of people that either can't play too loud due to family/neighbours (such as myself), or they just don't have the money to get a high power amp. For example, I had to design and build my own 5w tube amp from junk parts, because I couldn't buy a "real" tube amp. Until I can get a real guitar speaker, I'm using an 8" hi-fi speaker, that has been re-coned. Not bad, but could be a tone better.

But as I was saying, the only options these people have when looking for new speakers are usually rated at a lot more power than what their amps can put out, wich makes it hard to get that speaker breakup sound most of us guitarrists LOVE. Because of that, I think at least giving more options for low-power versions of the high-power speakers could be interesting.

Also, there should be speakers that are voiced into a more "neutral" tone. You know, something that sounds good for most styles of sounds, from classic Blues-y tones to extreamly Heavy Metal extravaganza. Something that reacts better with the amp's EQ settings.

Well, those are my reasons. Might not be the best out there, but they're mine!

I really wish the best of luck to anybody that wins, and that they make good use of their very own custom WGS Speaker. Thanks for giving us this chance, guys.


02/25/2012 3:05pm

Name: Robert Green
Style of music I play: Classic to Modern Rock
Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy
Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 90
Dope (heavy, med, none): Medium
Dope type (Britt or American): British
Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET
Reasoning behind my choices: I want a speaker that can provide some thump on the bottom end for drop D tunings yet also have the articulation to stay precise at high volumes. While I do get like to get tonal coloration from a speaker I like to use 2x12 cabs that are more demanding on the cones than a 4x12 so the extra sturdiness, low cone cry, high magnet mass and stiffness of this custom speaker would be ideal for me.
02/25/2012 3:12pm

Name: Steve

Style of music I play: folk/rock/country

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 90

Dope (heavy, med, none): none

Dope type (Britt or American): none

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices:

I picked up a used 100 watt Marshall JCM 800 built in 1980 and the matching 412 cab when I was in high school and it worked great for punk rock back then. Fast forward several years and I find myself doing the singer song-writer thing, but I couldn’t ever part with my Marshall. I realize it is beyond absurd to play solo folk/rock songs through a 100 watt Marshall amp with a 412 cab; however, that Marshall head has such wonderful sensitivity and its dynamics are perfect while producing complex clean and early breakup tones. It isn’t conventional, but why should that matter?

The speaker choices I made would complement the characteristics that I absolutely love about my large amp, further enhancing the sensitivity and dynamics. A 90 watt power rating (along with my attenuator) would allow a much more reasonable and transportable 112 cabinet for my purposes. The powerful 112 speaker concept would be unique, while still usable for a wide variety of musicians who have a monster amp, but don’t necessarily require a stage full of speakers.


02/25/2012 3:26pm

Name: Dr. Dan

Style of music I play: Jazz, Blues, Progressive Rock/Metal

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65

Dope (heavy, med, none): Medium

Dope type (Britt or American): American

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Vet

Reasoning behind my choices: I need a new speaker for my Rivera Fandango that has just a hint of sparkle and chime when clean, but can become mean and snarly without becoming harsh, ice-pick-through-the brain, or muddy with heavy overdrive! I realize a heavy magnet might aid in the bottom end, but like my preference in women, I really prefer a sweeter mid and top to a heavy bottom!

02/25/2012 5:04pm


Here is the "official" entry form, please cut-n-paste this in your reply/entry.


Name: Jay Riling

Style of music I play: Southern Rock, Blues, Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none): None 

Dope type (Britt or American): None

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Large

Reasoning behind my choices:

I own the Reaper which is Great WGS build in my VHT Ultra 6.

I'm looking for another to fill the bottom end, subdue the highs a bit (large dust cap)  and give me that tone I know a custom GWS Speaker will lead me too.

I'm not much on expressing myself verbally (I let the music do the talking) but I would love to win this and give it a good home!

Best of luck to all those that enter and thanks GWS for the opportunity!


That’s it! We will announce the winner on the WGS facebook page on Thursday, March 15th.  Best of luck to ya!  Oh, and do me a favor: hit that little flame-thingie that rates this blog ... nobody has been doing that lately, and my lil ol feelings are gettin hurt...


Daniel St Peters
02/25/2012 7:06pm

Name: Dan St.Peters

Style of music I play: 80s Hard Rock, NWOBHM, Southern Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none): Med

Dope type (Britt or American): Brit

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices:

Ever just sit around on a weekend afternoon outside on the porch cuttin' blues riffs through a single-speaker low power combo with nothing in between the pickup and the amp but a cable? That raw, natural, electro-mechanical vibe that happens when you can actually hear your guitar without it being rudely talked over by effects and saturation circuits is something of a lost art. The world needs more gear oriented toward capturing that magic and a speaker that responds, naturally, to all the subtle nuances of old school pickin' and the variations possible from moving those volume and tone knobs into some position other than just full-on is what I have attempted to create with my selections. Something that will bring forth the beauty and brightness of a strummed single coil without too much edge and one that will allow natural, even breakup with modest amps. Such a speaker would sit so perfectly out on that porch, you'd have to make it water-proof!

02/25/2012 7:29pm

Name: Iznogoud

First, I'd like to appologize : I'm not from any english speaking country at all so I hope my language will not be too bad :)

Style of music I play: no stylistic limits! When you understand how music works, you can even create an unexisting style for every piece you write but I love Frank Zappa, King Crimson, Yes, Magma, Soft Machine, Pink Floyd, Stravinsky, Bartok, Varese, Messaien, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, Fred Frith, Gong, Allan Holdsworth, Hendrix, Led Zep, Eno, Stockhausen, Ravel, Ligeti, Ravi Shankar, Imrat Khan, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Mahavishnu Orch. Return 2 Forever, Debussy, Weather Report, Steppen Wolf, Muddy Waters, Johnny Winter, Yardbirds, Beatles, Kate Bush, Dead Can Dance, Bowie, Dick Dale, George Clinton, Funkadelic, Parliament, Sun Ra, Miles Davis, Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Sly & family stone, Iron Butterfly, Motorhead, Deep Purple, MC5, Dead Kennedys, Scorpions, Manilla Road, Savatage, Thin Lizzy, Curtis Mayfield, EWF, UK, Gil Scott-Heron, Kool'n'the gang, Aretha Franklin, Natalie Dessay, Pat Metheny, Joe Pass, Stanley Jordan, Shawn Lane and a loooot of things like balinese gamelan, Mongolia's throat singing, japanese koto & shamizen, Ghana's polyrhythm, so lets say absolutely anything can happen, even using synth-guitar controllers or playing other instrs than guitar, although I'm far to be as gifted as a Vai or DiMeola but I would probably not being ridiculous if jamming with lots of well known guitarists (as long as I learn the song which is another story : I'm not really a cover-man LOL)

Magnet (Heavy or Medium).../...Power (30, 65, 90 watt).../...Dope (heavy, med, none).../...Dope type (Britt or American).../...Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper)

Frankly, I'm not at all in speaker's technology and let's say that I would be interested in a non usual speaker at all, in fact, 2 would be needed as I play in stereo and my usual one's which are 30 to 40 years old ones really do the habitual guitar speaker's job but according to what I've in mind and the kind of application, this could deserve 2 spkrs instad of one : there's no products doin this job and it would probably becheap to build!

In fact, I'm after very low sensitivity guitar speakers in order to being able to crank my tube amps "on 11" without all my neighbourhoud calling the pigs. I live in a house with 1.5 feet walls and double glass windows and even if I just use my weaker amps, which are Marshalls EL84-20/20 and 2 1*12, it's absolutely hellish loud, in fact, it's enough to be very loud in a club with 150/200 ppl in or enough for crossing a serious stage and it gets even worst if I want to use The Mesa-simulclass, the Marshall 9005 (two JCM800 power amps in 19" rack), the Dumble clone or the Carvin tube 100. BTW, nearly all the amp stuff is boutique-customized and all my cabs are home made Thiele-Small calculated ones in laminated baltic birch and the speakers are good ole Altec 417H with the paper vented domes or old EV's and I find that power soakers suck tone, even the expensivest ones and if 20W amps make it with such monster-spkrs, little chinese baby amps with 1 or 2W have not the guts to push 100 or 200W drivers.

Considering that lowest sensitivity guitar speaker are 94dB jensen MOD CH12 that would probably not be too nice doing smth else than Fender style sound or two very expensive Emi's vith a big knob in the back which permits to vary sensitivity between 92 and 100dB. I Think that something round 88dB, maybe less, would be nicer for home use, giving the ability to crank 20 to 50W amps without turning to harmageddon and thus could stay cheap and so sell easy.

Other thing : I'm not at all for the most of habitual guitar speakers. Lots of people like to have specialized ones for a style or even now for substyles, but do something else and the more they are specialized, the most they suck, take the G12T or V30, they make a kinda V equalisation, you've got to push hard on the mids for soloing and the sound farts, bottom of G12T farts on palm mutes, I gave big tries on Wizard vs G12H, Wiz is better but both lack of precision and definition as do nearly all guitar spkrs except old time monster like Altecs, EVs or JBLs. I don't use JBLs cause the au dome sounds horrible in distortion except when mixed with things like old Rola's Greenbacks and I prefer bing able to travel light with just 1*12 cabs, but alone, they're wonderful for clean sound. I really enjoy much flat and precise response where I really hear the amp sound and where I can do efficient sound sculpture with 4 bands P-EQ's of my Lexicon or Rocktron racks in the amp's loops although most of time, Triaxis or 3+SE's onboard tone stacks+EQ's are really enough to achieve the job. For now, I have never seen limits of my systems : with only a few well chosen stompboxes, a good preamp, a good amp and a multi-Fx, I can really play in any style, only thing, I'd go for alnico speakers (and germanium overdrive/fuzz) for all 'old school' sounds and ceramic for more modern things (and I prefer the sparkle and smoothness of alnicos)

So, for me, my dream speaker would be a pair with chalenging characteristics :

- very flat and precise response with punchy sounds like SROs, 417C or H (w. paper dome) or EVM12Ls

- being able to cope with a cranked JCM800-50W without risk (as I use the simulclass only in class A mode)

- very low senstivity coz the pigs and neighbours have my ass on the line and I don't want a seisure of my gear and I would really luv to keep the great sounds it makes at low SPL :lol:

Maybe am I totally wrong, but according to the success of some big convolution speaker simulators like the Torpedo which are designed to receive seriously cranked big amps, i think there could be a nice market for such a speaker which could be advertised with some "room speaker of doom" title and maybe a little book or doc goin with and inside, explanations to stick around the curves of all well known speakers by EQ'ing


Best regards



Totally out of subject :

=> Your site states that your european distributor Tube-Town is in France although they're in Germany

=> We can see replicas of all old discontinued guitar speakers but one : seems there's nobody rissueing Altec 417C/417H w. paper vented dome. These are Santana's and Rhoads' Speakers

02/25/2012 9:04pm

Name: Andrew Saliba

Style of music I play: Jazz, Rock, Blues, Fusion

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65 watts

Dope (heavy, med, none): Med

Dope type (Britt or American): American

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices:

Ultimately what I want out of a speaker is a very transparent tone; something that will accurately communicate the sound of an amplifier (which hopefully recreates the guitar accurately). So, a heavy magnet for plenty of punch and "bigness", medium power handling for use with another speaker in a 2x12, medium American doping for some tameness without necessarily offering the life of the speaker up for sacrifice to a vengeful god of anti-Tone, and a Reaper dustcap for the same purpose of maintaining neutrality. Man, this thing would be practically Swiss if it weren't so thoroughly American.

02/25/2012 11:29pm

Name:Tim stewart

Style of music I play:blues old school rock and roll

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):90

Dope (heavy, med, none):med

Dope type (Britt or American):american

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):ET

Reasoning behind my choices I have three amps two have WGS speakers one has a modified Celston witch sounds better than the original but ITS NO WGS SPEAKER and when I use this amp all I can think is "what if I would have known about WGS before"

02/26/2012 9:35am

To be given away on March 15th? ET tu Vaugn? Awesome!  I need something to compliment my 2 WGS G10 C/S that I bought last year. They are incredible. But ultimately the speaker will not be for me rather than for my son. He is an up and coming young musician. I am a working class stiff with no fortune to leave anyone when I go. Iwant to leave him the sweatest guitar rig ever. I made a hand built  Matchless Dc 30 clone with all the original parts plus trannies. It is an incredible amp. I also have a 20 year old strat to compliment it. It would be something that I would proud to leave for him to enjoy. I think that the WGS speakers will make a mark in musical history and be the next sought after vintage speakers as all of the older manufacturers are disappearing. It great to see the words USA on a music product in this day and age. Thanks for the best sound inaginalble, you guys truley rock!                 

Name: Wishbone

Style of music I play: blues and classic rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):30

Dope (heavy, med, none):med

Dope type (Britt or American):American

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):ET

Reasoning behind my choices: My amp is 15/30 watts so a lower power works best for me. I can get some breakup at lower volumes. The speaker will compliment the G10 C/S that I have. Will also let me have a seperate 12 and 2x10 cab for variety.


02/26/2012 1:00pm

Name: Brian Thornock

Style of music I play: Classic rock and blues

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none): none

Dope type (Britt or American): N/A

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Vet

Reasoning behind my choices: I wanted to go with something that would get a great classic sound like a greenback, but with a touch more highs, as I feel that the greenback can get a little muddy at times. I think the medium magnet would help keep the tone balanced, the power rating would help get some speaker breakup at lower power levels, and no dope would help channel some of that raw tone that makes blues and classic rock what they were meant to be. The vet dustcap with a little more brightness would help overcome some of the perceived muddiness of a greenback type of speaker.

02/26/2012 3:03pm


Name: Darío Castellani

Style of music I play: Indie, alternative

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65 watt

Dope (heavy, med, none): Med

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices: Because i like the frankenstone!... it´s alive! it´s alive!


02/26/2012 8:31pm

Name: Timi

Style of music I play: With which band?  Jeez there's a Beatles cover band with tones ranging from Harrison's spiky Sgt. Pepper leads to Lennon's fubbed out Epiphone Let it Be sound - then a Floyd cover band where I do lots of funked out rhythm and Gilmour soaring leads, a wedding band specializing in soul, disco and synthy 80's pop, to my original band where I run the gamut from mellow, jazzy Fender Jag cleans to Maestro Phaser funk tones, to gigantic Big Muff solos.  I'd like to think it's a wide range for a tonal palette.  Currently using a 79 Ampeg V4 when I need more stage sound and a 69 Ampeg GU-12 for smaller gigs, or big stages with lots of sound reinforcement.

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):  HEAVY.  No question about it I like lots of bass and a big sound.

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):  Tough call!  I wouldn't mind trying this speaker in my GU-12 which is a 20 watt amp AND be able to use it for the V4 which puts out 100+.  Let's say the 90 WATT.  I'm not crazy about cone breakup anyway.

Dope (heavy, med, none):  HEAVY.  *Actually I prefer if the crowd is heavily doped, but my speaker should be also.. to handle the heavy vibes.

Dope type (Britt or American):  BRITISH.  Let's keep it crisp and to the point.

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):  REAPER.  Take the edge off, man.

Reasoning behind my choices:

70's era Ampeg as a company seems to have favored speakers that produce what the amp is actually doing, as opposed to coloring the sound.  I tend to like that style, and I play a Fender Jaguar which is a hi-fi guitar with a huge range of tones thanks to the Jag tone cirquits.  I also employ a lot of pedals, from a vintage RAT to Big Muff, Maestro Stage Phaser, Morley Wah, EH Octave Multiplexer.... it's a lot to ask of a speaker.  Those are the main reasons behind these choices- a powerful (HEAVY magnet, 90w) speaker that's tough enough to handle heavy tube watts while reproducing big lows comfortably (HEAVY BRITT dope) , while keeping it sweet and a little mellower on top (REAPER cap). 

The Liberator is already a fantastic sounding speaker (To me, the name Liberator implies freedom from sonic barriers!)...  It's exciting to think of what these particular mods would do for it.  With the Liberator cone and these specs, this speaker could be called "Salvador"- after the painter who could do literally anything with his brush.  Have fun with it you guys... and thanks for the chance at a great opportunity.  Cheers! 

Timi - Athens, GA

02/26/2012 5:05pm


Name: James

Style of music I play: Rock, Hard Rock, Metal

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none): Medium

Dope type (Britt or American): British

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET

Reasoning behind my choices: I discovered WGS just recently and have been reading the forum looking for advice.  Hopefully I have learned something, and am using that new knowledge to design my own speaker.  I plan on ordering speakers from you in the next month anyway, but now we will shall see if I need one or two!

I have a Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister 18.  Very sweet little EL84 amp at 18 watts max power with a built in attenuator at 1 watt and 5 watt settings.  I use it at 5 watts a lot. I use very little in the way of effects.  Reverb, of course, and an EQ, and then the occasional delay or wah pedal, but mostly it is just a straight signal path. I have an ADA 2x12 slanted cab with the original Celestion G12-S speakers.  The resulting tone has been bottom flabby and the laser beam can be intolerable.  However, with some strategic duct tape and playing around with EQs and the attenuator I am able to  get some very rock nice sounds out of this pairing.  What I am missing is tightness on the low end to get that palm muting chunka-chunka and to squash that awful center spike of ultra-shrill.

The 30 watt power rating and medium magnet should help me to get better touch response and expression at low wattages from the amp than I am currently getting.  The doping is a bit of a mystery for me. I hope the medium British doping will help me get that chunka-chunka sound. It would seem that doping at all with such low wattages could be a bad thing, and I'm trying a wee bit of a balancing act here. I just want my perfect speaker to do everything!!! ;-)   I am confident that the WGS staff won't steer me in the wrong direction and will offer advice as needed.

And finally the ET dustcap to help tame my bright little EL84 amp, and tamper the high frequency center beam.

I have to say that this is a great idea!  I hope it proves to be successful for WGS and its customers.


02/27/2012 7:20am

Name: John Eck

Style of music I play: Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none): Med

Dope type (Britt or American): British

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices:

I like crancking low power tube amps in the 12-15 watt range, so high power handling is not a priority. I like a smooth top end and tend to prefer speakers with a non-resonant dust cap. I also like the idea of the dust cap being glued close to the voice coil so that the glue joint doesn't affect the resonances of the cone as much.

02/27/2012 8:21am

Name:Scott Z.

Style of music I play: Hardcore, Indy Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65w

Dope (heavy, med, none): Med

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Vet

Reasoning behind my choices:

I chose something like this because i always liked experimenting with different types of gear whether it was taking apart my guitars and switching around their parts and pickups or modding pedals i always loved messing with gear, the one thing i have never done though was anything with speakers, so i created a speaker that i would make if i knew how to do so myself



02/27/2012 11:04am

Name: Zach Morgan

Style of music I play: Progressive

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 90

Dope (heavy, med, none): Heavy

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices: I own a 4x12 Mesa/Boogie Standard Rectifier Cabinet loaded with English Made Celestion Vintage 30s, and a 2x12 homemade dovetail jointed pine cabinet loaded with EVM 12L Classics. Both are nice at what they do, but defenitly not the PERFECT match for my Boogie Mark IV and V heads. After reading all of the information on you blog, I chose what I though would be an excellent mixture of high power, clarity, and depth to handle and compliment all of the various tones of my Boogie heads. Oh yea, and because I haven't had the pleasure of trying out any Warehouse Guitar Speakers yet. What better way to do than with my own custom!

02/27/2012 11:09am


Name: Wolf

Style of music I play: Loudish jazz + blues. Tones from Kurt Rosenwinkel to Robben Ford and into Satch-land when feeling self-indulgent.

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65

Dope (heavy, med, none): Med

Dope type (Britt or American): Am

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET

Reasoning behind my choices: I played an ET-65 in the PRS 30 and loved the warmth, sweet highs and chewy mids. I just acquired a Mesa Mk III Red Stripe. Amazing amp -- I have new tubes coming from M/B, but it could still use some taming of the spiky upper mids. I want the chewy lower mids and I need to avoid the flab -- this thing pumps out the bass and I play humbuckers. The amp is rated at 75 watts and the master rarely goes past 2 1/2, so I think the 65 watt rating will do it. I wouldn't mind a little breakup anyway. And I can run my Thiele extension with an EV too.


02/27/2012 11:24am

Name: Matthew Spence (of The Stereo State)

Style of music I play: Melodic Punk Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65 watt

Dope (heavy, med, none): Medium

Dope type (Britt or American): Brittish

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET

Reasoning behind my choices: Please bare with me for a moment, =).  I am a die hard tone fanatic like everyone else who patiently waits for each update you make on your blog.  I'm also a very active gigging/recording musician and I like to think of my approach to gear as very practical in application.  I play Bad Cat amps and cabinets with WGS Speakers.  My favorite cabinet I've ever owned is my current 4x12 with a pair of WGS Black & Blue AlNiCo's and a pair of WGS Reaper Ceramics.  The 4x12 is less than ideal for certain recording situations.  I'm looking to build the perfect 1x12 recording cabinet to use with my band and other bands I sit in for.  The 65 watts will give me "just enough" headroom for the heavy right hand alt-rock style I play, to find that sweet spot of perfect break up.  The medium Britt dope I believe will keep the cone balanced but super responsive with very minimal cone cry.  It will keep it dynamic and alive but still very controlled, which is perfect for recording.  The ET dust cap I believe will help subdue/tame the high frequencies that will require EQ compensation of the best tonal eq/curve of my amps for specific parts.  In my touring cabinets I use beam blockers, but I don't want anything in the way of the cone and coil with different mic techniques of this recording cab...and I think the ET dust cap will help.  The heavy magnet is a bit of a compromise but I believe it's the best all around decision.  There are certain tones my amps achieve that are better suited to a medium magnet, but having the heavy magnet will enure that there is literally no rock oriented guitar part I could play that this cabinet won't provide the greatest response to.  Having a custom made speaker for this project would be more than a dream come true because I couldn't even imagine how perfectly incredible this would be.  Thanks for this amazing opportunity and please keep doing these blog entries for us WGS superfans!!

02/27/2012 12:26pm

Style of music I play- Modern Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium) Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):30 Watt

Dope (heavy, med, none) None!

Dope type (Britt or American):n/a

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):Vet

Reasoning behind my choices: In the 70s, as a stupid teenager, I had a marshall cab with 16 ohm G12H30s. One blew, and it was replaced by a C12N, 8 ohm. The jensen brought a clarity and sparkle to that cab, but with a totally british low and mid. I really miss that sound!!! I think the vet dome and no doping my get me that tone. It will only be used at "home" levels so cone cry is a non-issue.

John Hamnett
02/27/2012 12:34pm


Name: John Hamnett

Style of music I play: Rock/Blues/Funk

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65 Watt

Dope (heavy, med, none): Medium

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET

Reasoning behind my choices: Looking for something to compliment my Vet30 in my Hot Rod Deville 2x12" (currently with 2 Vet30s) and also can be used in a 1x12" JCM800 combo. Very interested in finding out how an ET type would work in that scenario (which keeps SPL at 98 db for both so they're matched). Need 65W to be used in both amps. Medium magnet with medium Britt dope to keep the Britt vibe in those speaker mixes with getting early breakup, would be great in the Deville to get some low gain mix of dirty (this speaker) and clean (Vet30).


02/27/2012 1:01pm

Name: Mike Bourque

Style of music I play: Classic Rock/Hard Rock/Blues Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65

Dope (heavy, med, none): Medium

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices: I'm looking for a speaker that would compliment everything from old school Marshall style 100 watt Plexi's to 18 watters, JTM45, etc.  It needs to have enough power handling to use a single 4x12 cab with a 100 watt head, or a 1x12 JTM45, 18 watt, etc.  Medium Britt dope to keep things a little looser, especially with a fairly stiff, punchy amp like a Superlead.  Low end needs to be big, tight and punchy.  It needs to retain clairity, note definition and have nice high end chime, and work well both clean and overdriven, while never being harsh on the high end.

02/27/2012 2:31pm

Name: Joel Perreault

Style of music I play: Rock/Roots/Blues

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65 Watt

Dope (heavy, med, none): med

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):ET

Reasoning behind my choices: This speaker would replace a UK made Celestion G12T-75 which is the stock speaker in my Trace-Elliot SpeedTwin 50 watt combo. This is a 2 channel amp with a very clean, fat and punchy rhythm channel (more Hiwatt style than Marshall). The lead channel is voiced to go from a moderate crunch to liquid Hi-gain. I've always thought the G12T-75 to be to brittle in the highs (especially with single coils) and lacking character in the mids. It seems they picked this speaker to please the metal players. The amp has a large cabinet, ample bass and is plenty loud so I'm keeping to a medium magnet weight. The 65 watt rating as well as the Britt medium dope to handle the lead channel (which I use mainly at lower gain anyway). Also, the ET style Dust Cap to smooth out the highs on the lead channel. I think this combination would bring out the best attributes of the amp while providing warmer more textured mids and a pleasing high-end for the lead channel. Thanks!

02/27/2012 5:21pm

Name: Matthew Eddie

Style of music I play: Classical, Jazz, Folk, Blues, rockabilly, Rock, psychobilly, Hard Rock,

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 90w 16ohms

Dope (heavy, med, none): med

Dope type (Britt or American): Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices: I need a speaker for my 5 watt tube head that isn't a 200w 8ohm 412. I want something around the same power handeling, but that is much lighter. (just dont need the surface area over the efficiency)

I wanted a heavier magnet for a tighter bottom, better note seperation and overall clarity. Not being a 412 makes this easier to weild.

For handeling, I just wanted something similar to what I had going, except in a 1x12.

For the doping, I was thinking of starting heavy and following this method I've passed around w/ buddies on removing doping after the fact to find "perfection". 1prt fabreeze to 10prts water spray on doping let dry. But I decided on medium because I'm not playing quite as heavy anymore. Also chose britt, simply because it sounded like it would hold the clarity I enjoy better than the american. as for the dust cap, I think I want the neutrality of the reaper.


02/27/2012 11:55pm

Name: Michael Tafoya

Style of music I play: Classic Rock-Heavy Metal

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):90 Watt

Dope (heavy, med, none):Med

Dope type (Britt or American):Britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices: I build custom cabinets. I also hotrod combo amps. A very popular combo is 85 watt amp.

I am looking to replace original speakers with a ass kicking WGS crunch monster. I also build many 1x12 and 2X12. I use to build them with V-30 and 70th Anniversary. I now use the Retro-30 and Reaper HP. I would like to go in a new direction with a custom speaker for my custom cabinets.

My name for the speaker is "Marshall Boogie". All my cabinets have a custom Marshall Boogie nameplate and the raves continue. I really like the sound and construction of WGS. I think we would partner to give those over priced big boys a run for the money. So there you are. My reasons are solid and powerful.....


02/28/2012 10:46am

Name: Eric Durket

Style of music I play:rock, metal, blues

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):Heavy

 Power (30, 65, 90 watt):90 watt

Dope (heavy, med, none):heavy

 Dope type (Britt or American):American

 Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):ET

 Reasoning behind my choices:Ive used Weber's MyTone customs before and would love to see how your custom shop works out, if it works well you'll be hearing a lot from me as i would love to find a speaker that does everything i want it to.

02/28/2012 12:13pm



Style of music I play:  Blues, Rock,  feeble attempts at Jazz Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):  Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none):  Medium

Dope type (Britt or American):  British

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):  Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices:  


First,  a thank you to the WGS team for sharing knowledge while putting out solid US-made products in a profit-at-any-cost business world. There's way too little of that these days.  


I have a bright, low powered, touch-sensitive  EF86+(EL84x2) amp that I somehow managed to build myself.  I want to be able to drive the speaker a little, even when semi-clean,  and crank that nuance.  I believe that a medium magnet, and a 30 watt rating will take me in that direction. 


I appreciate subtle effects,  from pedal, amp, or speaker, so I'd like to have the doping reflect that.   I've never tried any British dope, but I figure it hasn't killed Keith Richards yet.   All things in moderation, so it's  medium British Dope for me.


To close things up,  the Reaper Dust cap should let that EL84 glassiness through, to shimmer in the mix.  



02/29/2012 10:42am


Name: Joe

Style of music I play: Rock,Blues, Country

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65

Dope (heavy, med, none): Med

Dope type (Britt or American): British

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET

Reasoning behind my choices: I like a nice warm speaker with good bottom and a round top end. 


02/29/2012 12:52pm

Name: Kenny Holloway

Style of music I play: Smooth Jazz; 80's style pop (clean and dirty); funky pop *95% recording and 5% live

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65

Dope (heavy, med, none): none

Dope type (Britt or American): none

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET (I think) - welcome recommendation from builder on this one

Reasoning behind my choices: This will be the only speaker for this one.  I'm taking a Fender Blues Jr. and doing some heavy mods like a swap to a Heyboer transformer, stiffen power supply, add bias control and more, including moving the amp to a head and using the Blues Jr. box for an open back cabinet.

I went with the medium magnet because I'm mostly playing clean and a little dirt.  Not a heavy rocker.  I understand this is the better match and will allow better tone transparency.  65W on the speaker should guarantee me a longer ride on the volume before speaker break up, if I see it at all.  Although I mostly work it at recording levels (no need to crank it to 10), it's important to me that my cleans are super clean.

No dope/dope type.  I'm going to all the trouble of converting my Blues Jr. to a boutique amp because I want to create beautiful tone from my playing to the guitar and then the amp.  I don't need the dope to save the speaker or calm the cone.  I say let the tone ring out here.

Dust cap type?  Honestly, I had to get some search engine help here.  I was not familiar with the term "reaper".  As to my understanding, the ET is what I want, but I'm open to suggestions, knowing what I'm going for.


03/01/2012 4:41am


Name: Mike Youngblood


Style of music I play:

Like a bad night of mixing different types of drinks out in a touristy part of town with out-of-town friends.  It could all be considered rock-- in a similar sense that wine coolers and wild turkey are both alcoholic-- but it varies between garage grind fuzz-outs, indie jangle, sci-fi surfbilly, acid jazz, dance metal and pedal board solo extravaganzas. 

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 65W

Dope (heavy, med, none): medium

Dope type (Britt or American): American

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): reaper

Reasoning behind my choices:   Not in the mood to read?  My V30s are snarly, and I don’t make Adelle money

The Celestion V30s in my cab were a great route to go, theoretically, for a player just getting some money in his pocket from being out to sea for a few months and enjoying his first available opportunity to buy some professional level gear.  Can’t really go wrong with a closed-back V30 cab for rock music, with the 50 watter on top of it, they all said..  And they do serve me well, as they do for a good portion of the guitar slinging masses.  But of course, the grass being always greener, and in some cases the dust covers, rumors and testimonials arose about 12H's and 12M's and all of these speakers that do these magical things to your sound.  Then come the analogies of speakers being like tires on a car as far as tone is concerned.  And when every single component of a rig is touted as the single most important tone-shaping item out there, a relatively new gearhead was overwhelmed rather quickly, but thankful that he had at least made a respectable first choice in the V30s. 

                Still, the notion haunted me.  Then several companies claimed to offer the same speakers, some even already broken-in, at lower prices!  Who to turn to?  My tone was fine; did I even need to switch speakers?  The ones I had were being used by hundreds of thousands of recording professionals, yet some of these forumites SWORE by their alternatives.  This is before even considering some of the more legendary speakers. 

               Despite a brief stint using a big old Acoustic cab loaded with a windfall of two free of EV SRO15s alongside the 412, the v30s were what I was using, whether I liked it or not, and so it went for years.  Now, having had more experience both with them and with other speakers in the great wide guitar world, well, frankly, I’m not too much further from where I started.  Is anyone, really?  Besides those who build and test them, of course.  And those with a big enough cab collection to make a doomsday shelter.  Who really gets to try, side-by-side,  A/B style, without the bias of a nights rest for the ears or a few brews, all of these styles of speakers?  When people, the majority of them I mean, swear by their speakers, are they just doing so because it’s what they bought and they don’t want to feel stupid or paranoid that they made the wrong decision, especially when their rig is the talk of all the internet guitar forums?

                So, when selecting my options, I chose 65W power handling to be similar to my current 240W, 16ohm, V30 412.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy.  I read the blog posts.  Hmmm....I AM looking to tame the mids from the V30s a BIT, but I’m not looking for a mushy uptight metal machine.  Medium, I would suspect, suits me.  Dope type, well I’m not sure whether the WGS magical ooze is UK or USA style.  I know the V30s are considered a British style speaker and that the US offerings are generally more scooped in character.  I would think American would do me well to tame a bit of the overbearing mids from my V30s.  The reaper dust cap could take me even further away from the V30 setup.  But how far am I really willing to stray?  My ruling is that there is an inherent brightness and upper mids honk and quack to my beloved big box.  The reaper sounds good to me.

                As a visually stimulated American, with an admittedly large amount of IKEA purchases in the crib, the logo should be a nice surprise/effort/collaboration/what have you.

                As a guitarist say...midway...through the search-and-rescue mission for pleasant hand-to-device-to-ear response (tone kind of falls short in describing what we look for, at least to me), I’m almost there. Just need a slightly less psychotic but just as stimulating relationship with my speakers.

                As someone with a 412 cab jockeying for position to win presumably a single awesome speaker, from a team of sexy professionals, a 1x12 cab is also in my near future, or it could fill a spot in the cab for separate micing. 

                As someone with two car payments, free is sooo so very sweet to me. 




03/01/2012 10:09am

Name: Scott

Style of music I play: Post Hardcore/Pop Punk

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none): med

Dope type (Britt or American): Brit

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET

Reasoning behind my choices: If therei s one thing people describe about my band (and my tone), it's that it sounds thick...and I don't mean daft.  I've always appreciated guitar tones that have a slightly muted but raw high end, a full and tight bottom end, and a midrange so thick, that it feels like you're being slammed in the chest by a firehose.  The ET dustcap helps warm up the high end, the medium British doping gives the tone that silky-yet-punchy mid push, and the 30 watt power handling, coupled with the heavy magnet helps give this speaker a raw yet refined breakup.

03/01/2012 11:19am

Name:Mike Daniel

Style of music I play:Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):Heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):90

Dope (heavy, med, none):heavy

Dope type (Britt or American):your proprietary blend ,please :)

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices:The thought of having a custom made speaker is right out of reading musician magazines over the years,and as I'm reading about one of my guitar heroes,thinking,"well how nice would THAT be?"When it came to having techs at their disposal tweaking this or that,etc... So Since I play live quite a bit during the warmer months here in Oregon,I'd like a speaker that would be tolerant of temperature changes,hence the heavier dope.The Magnet needs to be burly,for those ocassional drop D power chords.I want a full spectrum sound,but I am not real keen on bighty mids,and I have a disdain for that "fart" sound that I've heard far too often from poorly matched,or constructed speakers,{or was that our gassy lead singer?} so I'd like the 90 watt variety of power handling. I don't want to lose the treble,for that clean "Closer to the Heart" opening,so give me the Reaper Dust Cap. Wow...what a great idea for a contest! Thanks from Oregon.

Kirsten Ray
03/01/2012 12:26pm


STYLE OF MUSIC I PLAY: blues, classic rock


I am new to electric guitar (been playing acoustic guitar since I was 14 - which was a long long time ago) and right now I'm trying to figure out what sound I like. Since I'm mostly into classic rock and chicago blues I like a raw sound, that is thick, but not muddy.  I've mostly used vintage Fender amps so I want to try something different.

MAGNET: medium

I'm still confused as to how to match the power (coil) and the magnet. I learned from a previous post that as the coil gets bigger the magnet should get bigger so I'm hoping this is a good choice for 65 watts.


I usually use 15 to 22 watt amps so I think the 30 will work well here.  I'm not looking for lots of clean headroom.

DOPE: none

Since this is the rawist sound I could get. I'm kinda nervous about no dope, but with the amps I have I would think that I wouldn't over power the speaker to the point of failure. Cross your finger!



I like speakers a little bright and then using my tone knobs, on the guitar and amp, to work in more bass.  I haven't had success going the other way.


Stanley Esposito Jr
03/04/2012 6:09pm

Name:  Stan

Style of Music I play:  Blues, Blues-Rock, Southern Rock, Classic Rock, Roots Rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium):  Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt):  65

Dope (Heavy, med, none):  Medium

Dope Type (Britt or American):  Britt

Dust Cap (ET, VET, Reaper):  ET

Reasoning behind my choices:  A 12" speaker to be used alone in a 1x12 enclosure or combined with other speakers for use in various combinations.  I selected the medium magnet to retain some touch responsivness and an airy, vintage vibe, along with a ribbed cone to give it more clean headroom and to keep it from "farting-out" if used alone and/or pushed to high volume levels.  I like a medium amount of the British style Dope since it lays on top of the cone and doesn't affect the tone as much.  I like the idea of dope on the outside of the cone to prevent the speaker from tearing.  Since the ribbed cone can be a little bright, I'm going with the ET-65 dust cap to sudue those high a tad.  My ultimate tone would be a combination British/American speaker that's fat and smooth, non-harsh sounding with fat full sounding mids (no nasal stuff), tight full-bass and a touch of sparkle.  It doesn't break up too early and responds to pedals, especially gain pedals really well.

Adam Rey
03/01/2012 2:47pm

Name: Adam Rey

Style of music I play: Rock/jazz/pop/funk/country/blues...did i leave anything out????

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none): med

Dope type (Britt or American):brit

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper):reaper

Reasoning behind my choices: reading your blog postings gave me some insight as to what i may gravitate towards tonally. I love a fat clean tone with a little break-up and my distortion tastes are low to mid gain but with balls (not metal but dumble-esque Ford fusion type) where i can still hear the nuances of my guitar jangling through and connect between my notes and my fingers on that strange organic level. (?). I like the big 6L6 tones. Open back cabs. I will probably use this in a Fender 1x12 ext cab with a Fender Blues Deluxe RI at 40 watts. I play all styles all of the time as a professional geetarist so if you have a better suggestion i am all ears! I had a reaper 30 at one point and was happy with it!



03/01/2012 5:05pm

Name: Brent Stewart

Style of music I play: Rock, Blues, Jazz, etc

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none): med

Dope type (Britt or American): Brit

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices: My amp is a  Fender Princeton Reverb II,
so I just want a articulate, high fidelity speaker to reproduce the sound.
I am totally open to your input as to what you think would be the best
match for my amp, since you definitely know more than I do! Thanks.

03/04/2012 6:27pm

Emil santo

Style of music I play classic rock, guns, jimmy, ac/dc.vanhalen ect. + blues. and some 80's metal

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): i dot have an idea on this. i would trust your team on this

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30watts

Dope (heavy, med, none): med to heavy

Dope type (Britt or American): britt for sure

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): let the team deside

Reasoning behind my choices

well as for designing the speakers i am at a loss, but i can tell you what i would like to have for my peavey classic series of amps. the 30watt 1x12 and the 50 watt 4x10" speakers. witch i cannot find a sutable or good priced speaker as your team makes at wgs. everyone knows the peavey classic 30 treble/top end can be a little brittle so maybe a vetern or reaper/ Celestion™ G12H30 Anniversary Edition with a cone that will bring down the brittlness and let the mids and lows come trough as balanced as they can for the classic 30 on higher volumes. 30 to 50 watt version

as for the peavey classic 50watt 4x10's well some 10" green beret's and veterns or reapers in 10" it would be great to beable to have an option for that and other 10" cabs 25 to 30 watts would work on this

I could possibly lend/send the peavey classic to you so you could fine tune a speaker for it. i know i might not be much help but i havent heard any other maufacture that would even consider helping anyone deising a speaker that wasnt a rock star or super famous.  and i like that you allow feedback into  a possable new line of speakers


ps please feel free to edit any spelling errors ect

03/06/2012 10:25am

Name:Chris Tsorlianos

Style of music I play: blues, rock

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): heavy

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none): med

Dope type (Britt or American): britt

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): ET65

Reasoning behind my choices: Looking for a speaker that can handle attack but to be touch sensitive for the blues as well. I want the speaker not to compress at high volumes. The bass mids and highs to stay nice and clean as when the speaker is played at lower volumes.

03/07/2012 12:45pm

Name: Kevin Wilder

Style of music I play: Blues, Rock, Jazz, Fusion, Christian Rock, etc.

Magnet (Heavy or Medium): Medium

Power (30, 65, 90 watt): 30

Dope (heavy, med, none): None I would choose light but it's not an option, I have the wgs Vet 30 so I want something more neutral, raw and my flavor.

Dope type (Britt or American): N/A

Dust Cap: (ET, Vet, Reaper): Reaper

Reasoning behind my choices: I play with many guitars and want the voice of these guitars to come through with warm and clear rocking tone, I use a Egnater Tweaker 15h with vintage GE power Tubes, 2 JJ 12ax7s v1 and v2 and in v3 is a made in Taiwan Raytheon 12ax7. This amp is amazing, its versatility a tone is so far what I want, the speaker setups I use right now vary from a 1x8 weber signature 8, a mix of my two 1x12 cabs with the wgs Vet 30 and my vintage  alnico Magnavox or my 1x15 live sound speaker equipped eminence beta cab. I like versatility and my favorite things are wgs clarity and nice supple tight bottom, magnavox raw tone interesting mid range, Webers warm round and agressive tone and eminence freguency response. So in conclusion I want a speaker with a unique, semi-transparent voice, clarity, mids and good low end. P.S. low watt speaker so it takes less to get the speaker moving and making good tone.
