VAUGHN SKOW's blog | Warehouse Guitar Speakers


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Pic Wars - The Pics Strike Back (quest for the ultimate plectrum part 2)

If you have not yet ... go back and read Part one of this blog.  This time around, I'm gonna shut up and let the pics do the talking ... okay, truth be told, I still do way too much talking ... but this week I'm doing it via video; take a look:

See ya next week fellow tone junkies!

Congrats Noah Hormann!

It's official - Noah Hormann has won a WGS speaker - courtesy of WGS, The WGS Facebook page, and THIS BLOG!  Awesome pics, dude!  So, shall we send you an Invader or a Liberator ... oh, and at what impedance?  Check out all of Noah's pics on our FB page - man, WGS folks are a cool and creative lot.

Andy Rooney

If you have liked even one single thing that I have written in the past year and a half of this blog, I almost certainly stole it from Andy Rooney.  Andy has been my writing mentor for decades now; not officially of course; Mr. Rooney doesn’t do that type of thing.  His take on the whole idea would be something to the effect of "I’d never mentor any one so ignorant as to want me as a mentor".  Rooney has taught by example.  I, like generations of Americans, grew up mesmerized by his ability to distill big concepts down to a few flawlessly chosen words ... small words, at that.  I own every book he’s authored, but I especially love his short pieces on the television show 60 Minutes.  Last night was Rooney’s last regular contribution to the 60 Minutes television program.  I love how Rooney made it clear that he was not retiring "writers never retire".  Amen brother, that’s part of what fuels this writers flame.  Call it what you like, I call it a huge journalistic void.  An expanse where complex and courageous men use simple, direct words to effectively convey confusing and complex subject material.  There is no "spin" or "political correctness" in the world of folks like Andy Rooney; right is right and wrong is wrong, plain and simple.  I pray I can fill just a little nook in that void. 

Generally speaking, Rooney wrote about the stuff of daily life; I do too ... if you are a guitar player, that is.  Just recently, however, Rooney crossed over into "our" world when he took on "pop" music.  I wonder how many of us agree with Rooney’s dismal take on the current state of mainstream music.  Quite a few, I’d wager.  One of my audio students mentioned in class today that 1994 was "music’s worst year ever", when asked why, he replied "That’s the year Kurt Cobain died, and Justin Bieber was born". 

A couple of notes:  first, I’ll be back to the "pic" topic next week as promised, and second, I’m giving our three t-shirt winners another week before we announce a winner ... since our last winner is just now getting his shirt.  Be sure to check the facebook page and vote (like) your fav. Pic.  The winner gets a free speaker!  And now, a few minutes with Andy Rooney:

email vaughn     About Vaughn Skow

Pic Wars - The Phantom Menace (quest for the ultimate plectrum)

Hey guitar folks, ready to delve in to some serious pic discussion?  This is a blog that I’ve been simmering on the back burner for many weeks now; ever since the summer NAMM show.  At the NAMM show I did something quite out of character for me, I actually dropped ten bucks and purchased a meager four "V-picks". 

They were enticing, with oh-so cool looks, and promises to improve my tone and speed, and not fall out of my fingers.  Right then and there, I decided I could make one heck of a blog outta comparing these new-fangeled picks to old standards.  Later that day, I ran into Daniel from WGS and showed the new picks to him; he proceeded to lay in my hand a "Finns" pick, another new one to me! 

It was official; the pic-wars were on!  Since then, I’ve gone plumb pic-wild. Here is just one of several of my stray pic containers; I’ll just bet you have some that look similar.  

READ ON for the epic pic story to beat all others.

So, the Big Tshirt giveaways are over - Now What??

Now the contest for who wins the free speaker begins, that's what!  Our three shirt winners are now in the running for a new WGS speaker (that's a 1-in-3 shot).  It all comes down to who can deliver the coolest photo with the new t-shirt.  Will it be Andy from Alabama, Noah from Washington, or Mason from Vegas?  That, my WGS friends is up to all of you! Here is how it’s going to work:  Andy, Noah, and Mason - post your uber-cool t-shirt pics on the WGS facebook page, as many as you like, whoever garners the most "likes" (combined from all pics), will get their choice of one of WGS’s new speaker models!  On MONDAY, OCTOBER 3rd the votes (likes) will be tallied and the speaker awarded.  So WGS friends, Y'all get ready to vote for your favorites!  Check the facebook page often, I can’t wait to see the pics!  Oh, and Mason, email me your address and size so we can getcha shirt out.  Next week, I’m going to delve into "PICK WARS" ... I promise, there will be no possible way to make it political ... well, almost no way ... It’s gonna be awesome, talk to ya then!

email vaughn     About Vaughn Skow

Winner Chosen In Final (for now) T-Shirt giveaway!

Hi WGS gang! Congrats to Mason (forum user id mbundschuh), our newest recipient of a gratis WGS t-shirt!  Now, mason, please email vaughn your size and shipping address.

Thanks to all of you for entering and playing along - it's been fun, right?  I just bet we'll do this again, so keep reading!

Now, to our three shirt winners, get ready to fire up your cameras - the most popular pic on the WGS facebook page wins a free speaker! I'll give you all the details in my next blog.

Here is the entry from the winner chosen by my random number generator:

We have a new T-Shirt Winner ***THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED***

***THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED!***  See winner info here.

Here is this weeks winning entry:


Righteous pictures for your righteous t-shirt.

If its righteous pictures your after my wife and I are professional photographers... just sayin. (not a shameless plug, just to corroborate my story.)  Apart from that I'm already spreading the good news about WGS speakers out here in the Pacific Northwest and to to help me in that pursuit: a t-shirt is an aweful good conversation starter, but then again so is the delicious 12inch + 10inch cab I am building for my vintage fender, fully WGS equipped of course.  One last comment, I hope it doesn't sound too much like begging: Help me, help you.


The really great news, not only did you pick up a free shirt, you now stand a one-in-three chance of winning the free speaker, too! My next contest begins now - everybody else, you're welcome to try again!  Read more for the details -Vaughn-

And Now, A Rare mid-blog Update:

Howdy Gang!  A couple items of business here:  First, concerning my last blog on "wood wars".  I’m going to clarify something here.  This topic is relevant and made it into my blog for two reasons: 1. it affects guitar players and, 2. it affects US manufacturing.  It was not intended to be political; a few of you seem to have taken it that way.  Please note that I did not mention that in 2008, when the Lacey Act was expanded to include plant species and Gibson was first raided, George Bush, a conservative Republican, was the president.  I also did not mention that liberal democrat Barack Obama was in office at the time of the latest raid.  These types of things, you see were not, and are not my focus.

Most folks, even if they had a political drum to beat on one side of the isle or the other, have been cordial; a few have not.  I’m sad to report that a couple of comments were deleted because they contained vulgarity and/or curse words.  As a diverse world-wide community united by our love of guitars, amps, and sweet tone, we are better than that.

Now, my second item of business:  Last weeks T-shirt is still unclaimed!  User "at9799" - you need to email me your address by the end of the day MONDAY, or I’ll need to pick another winner from last week.  Tuesday I’ll be announcing this week’s winner ... or maybe TWO new winners.  Oh, and remember that one of the three t-shirt winners will also win a new WGS speaker.  For weekly winners, your odds of winning a speaker are one in three!  How ya like them odds? :)

Wood Wars (This Is Totally Whacked)

The big story in this week’s Tennessean Sunday Paper (Sept 4, 2011) was on Nashville Based Gibson Guitars.  The story wasn’t about how wonderful it was to have one of the world’s premier guitar builders in Nashville.  In fact, it wasn’t about the guitars at all; it was about the wood they are made from.  It seems the Fish and Game department has just raided the Gibson plant for the second time, once again confiscating guitars, files, computers, and yes, wood.  When it comes to guitars and the wood they are made from, Big Brother is indeed watching.  What do I think about this, well ... read on dear reader!

We Have A Winner! PLUS: Next Free T-shirt Contest Begins NOW!! ***THIS CONTEST IS NOW OVER***



***This contest has ended!  Se the latest contest to enter again!***

Here is our winner from last week:

me me me

I'm already gearing up to get my wife to pose in the t-shirt, just the t-shirt.  Plus, I can silence her when she says "why do you enter those things? Nobody ever wins..."


Okay, so, my wife picked your wife ... go figure!  Now, just email me ( your complete address and we'll get the shirt out asap.  The really great news, not only did you pick up a free shirt, you now stand a one-in-three chance of winning the free speaker, too! My next contest begins now - everybody else, you're welcome to try again!  Read more for the details -Vaughn-
