Speaker Mix for Marshall JVM 410 and 410HJS | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Speaker Mix for Marshall JVM 410 and 410HJS

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12/17/2014 6:04am
Been primarily a whatever speaker is in there works for me type of guy. Really got started with tone chasing trying to find my holy grail that we all refer too. My cabs have always been equipped with celestions. I am really considering trying you guys out. The 2 heads I play through are listed in the post title. I use a Marshall 1960A that had G12H Anniv and V30's which I have swapped for 2 Creamback 65's and 2 Creamback 75's due to sever ice pick. I also have a Carvin 4X12 that has G12t75's and V30's that I dont like with anything. I also have a Avatar open back 2X12, an Avatar closed back contemporary 2X12, and am trying to get an Avatar 2x12 traditional. The creambacks are very growly and great for blues-rock kind of stuff. If there was a tone I was after I would say Michael Schenkers tone, and or Eric Gales Tone. What speaker combinations would you recommend? I would probably try them in the 2X12's first and if I like them I would upgrade the 4x12. What else would you say to convert me from Celestions?