I am playing through a cabinet that has 2X10 JBL E110s. I have another empty 2X10 cabinet and would like speakers to help emulate an early fender twin reverb but would also complement the JBLs if I need to play with both cabinets.
Fender Guru seems to recommend Vintage 10" or G10C. Board recommendations also bring up G10C/S and E65 but the E65 only comes in 12 inch.
Any idea what will give the Fender amp sound and pair well with the JBLs?
Thanks in advance
Yea ... the G10C FOR SURE! You can go with the G10-Smooth Cone only IF you want to "warm" the tone significantly.
Don't go w/Vet 10's ... as they will be totally overwhelmed by the very-efficient JBL's.