WGS 10" Green Beret vs Celestion Vintage 10 | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

WGS 10" Green Beret vs Celestion Vintage 10

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WGS 10" Green Beret vs Celestion Vintage 10

Howdy-do friends and neighbors, ladies & gentlemen, educated and uneducated, those close, and those far away, folks from all walks of life, all manner of faiths, and from one end of the globe to the other … whew … I gotta catch my breath!  I’ve got … news!  Ya ready? 

It’s finally here … the long awaited 10” British voiced 10” speaker from WGS!  Everybody say “wooo-hooo!  Yea, I announced this thing nearly three months back, and then there was a difficulty obtaining some of the “special ingredients” and it got delayed … but not any longer.  It’s here, it’s real, and it’s available for you to purchase right now. Cool, right?

Okay, so in typical Vaughn style, the first thing I did was a little shootout against a serious contender, the Celestion Vintage 10.  How did it turn out, well, they both sound excellent … and quite different.  The Celestion is much boxier, with more lows & less top, and the WGS is more rounded-out with more aggressive mids and top end.  Winner?  Hard to say, how about ya check out the video & judge for yourself!  Oh, and by the way … I’ll let you in on a little secret:  WGS is ALSO working on another Britt 10 … the “Retro 10” … with yet another Britt voice in the 10” arena.  Ha!  So there IS something to still look forward to.  Ain’t life grand?

See y’all next time.  If the video does not play in the player below, click this direct link to YouTube:  http://youtu.be/7RwVV-7LWes

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