Mint 1957 Fender Strat for Sale … at Goodwill! | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Mint 1957 Fender Strat for Sale … at Goodwill!

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Mint 1957 Fender Strat for Sale … at Goodwill!

1957 Strat for Sale at Goodwill Aug 2016

Howdy friendly guitar friends!  So, any of you who know me know that I’ve always got my guitar “deal radar” up; man, I LOVE finding gems at pawn shops and yard sales.  But, Goodwill?  I mean, sure, we’ve all picked up some cool stage clothes at Goodwill … maybe even a pseudo-vintage microphone.  So, how about a near mint 1957 Fender Strat?  Impossible you say?  Well right now, as I pen this blog, one is up for sale on Goodwill’s auction site, I kid you NOT!

1957 Strat headstock

1957 Strat neck heal date

1957 Strat neck plate serial number

1957 Strat Original pickups and electronics

With four days to go in the auction, it’s already over 13-grand, so it’s not like you’re gonna totally STEEL it … but when you consider that this is a guitar with a full retail value of close to six-figures, there is certainly an opportunity here for a deal.

And, if you think this is a once-in-a-lifetime fluke, here is a nice clean 1967 Gibson SG Melody Maker that sold for about $1,200 last week.  Sweeeet! 

1967 Gibson SG Melody Maker

So, there ya go bargain hunters, if Goodwill is not on your gear radar, it should be!  Oh, and can you imagine who donated that Strat to Goodwill?  I can hear it now “Let’s donate grandpa’s old guitar to Goodwill, I’m sure it’s not worth much”…

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