Speaker to mate with a Reaper HP | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Speaker to mate with a Reaper HP

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06/24/2011 8:23am

I have a Blackstar 1X12 40 combo with a Reaper HP(closed back) installed and I love the tone. It screams when I need it to and has just the right break-up and mids/highs. I also have a 1X12 extension cab(open back) that I want to load up with a WGS speaker. My ideal cabinet placement would be 1X12 cabinet on each side of the drums. Trying to get a good stereo sound with a punch.

I have listened to the new Invader 50w and was curious to know if it would be a good match with the Reaper HP. I am thinking the Green Beret sound would mix well with the HP. I play hard rock/alternative music and would like some input on this combo of speakers. Also, would putting the Reaper HP in the open-back cab and puttng the Invader 50 (or other) in the closed cab possibly be a good mix? Thanks!

06/25/2011 3:49pm

Check my blog on mixing 12's.  I'd say ET65 or Liberator would be the best bet.  If you're lovin the Reaper HP ... another one of those would be good, too!

08/14/2011 12:22pm

Hi Vaughn,

I wanted to follow up with you on a possible match for my Reaper HP. As I have mentioned, I am using the HP with a closed back 40W Blackstar combo and I am really happy with the sound. I also have a 112 open back ext. cab for the Blackstar and have considered you previous recommendation. However I wanted to revisit this topic for an opinion before I purchase my next speaker, so bear with my and I will try not to be too long-winded.

I have read through all the posts on the forum, watched your speaker comparison videos and listened to all the possible combinations of speakers, what players use them for and what sound is being sought after. Considering the genre of music I play:  blues/hard rock/alt/metal. I am really leaning toward the Green Beret sound and wanted you opinioin on a couple of things.

From reading the forum posts, it seems as though the Green Beret is best suited in a closed-back cab. And the Reaper (HP) is best suited in an open-back cab. My Reaper HP is currently in my (closed back) combo and like I said, it sounds great. But I was curious to know if 1), I put the HP in the open back ext. cab and put a GB or even the new Invader (which is based on the GB design) in the closed-back combo, if this might make a good match,  considering I am leaning toward the British sound of the greenie?  And 2), if the open-back/closed-back speaker set-up I described from the forum is fairly accurate and a workable set-up? As you may know, the Blackstar amps have the ISF (infinite shape feature) knob to give either a British tone or American tone. I usually keep it toward the British side for that Marshall-esque tone.

You mentioned before that I might consider going with the new Liberator (based on the ET65) or even another HP.  And I am considering this as I really dig both the liberator and the HP tones. I am not only looking for a heavy, ballsy-crunchy hard-rockin sound for OD, but also a smooth, warm and bright tone for clean/blues stuff. I am not decided yet, but IMO you are the guru of WGS tone exposure, you might help me decide. For reference, I did try the Retro 30 as my first speaker and it was not really what I was looking for. Thanks again in advance. Your opinions and speaker comparisons are really a great help for all of us.



08/15/2011 5:01pm

Hi Pete,  and thanks for the props.

Ya know what, after hearing what you're going for, and spending some quality time with the Invader ... my recommendation at this point would be to go with an Invader!  It will give you that GB sound you're after (only a tad fuller), and will mate well with the Reaper HP (better than the 30-watt GB).  And, yes, if it were me, I would probably put it in the sealed cab, and the Reaper in the open Cab ... but the Reapers sound very good in a closed cab as well ... so, ultimately that's your call!

07/07/2011 7:34pm

Hi leatherneck95,

How does the HP sound in your open-back cabinet?  Is the bass pretty deep and tight?  Would you describe the overall tone as bright or balanced?  Chimey or clear?  Round or punchy?  I'm trying to decide between the ET65's and the HP's.

Thanks, markn1313