A Truly SUPER Fender Super Reverb Amp | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

A Truly SUPER Fender Super Reverb Amp

A Truly SUPER Fender Super Reverb Amp

Brett Ashes Ranch Ghost

Yessiree!  Here is a blog I promised a few weeks back.  Sorry to make you all wait for this COOL story.

It all started with a craigslist post offering four original speakers from a vintage Fender Super Reverb Amp.  Of COURSE I wanted THOSE!  Everyone who knows me knows I’m both a speaker nut AND I love, love, love Super Reverbs.

So I phone dude and he explains that all four are in good condition.  “Humm, so why are you replacing them then?” I ask.  “Well, they sound good, but kind of fart-out when pushed on the low end and plus I’m going on a major tour and needed something I don’t have to worry about blowing”.  “Ahh” say I … “and what did you choose as replacements?”  That’s where it got really good in a hurry.

“There’s this speaker company called WGS” dude tells me.  And then he starts a truly evangelical passionate speech about how much he LOVES WGS.  I never, ever get tired of hearing that stuff, but I had to explain who I was and that he was “preaching to the choir” as the saying goes.  So it can be said that we got off to a splendid start!  Dude’s name is Brett Ashes and his band is Ranch Ghost.  If you haven’t, you NEED to check them out.  Cool, cool, COOL Stuff.

Turns out that he hired amp tech John Capito to do some fine-tweaking on the Super.  Of course, like all in-the-know amp guys, John is a WGS fanatic.  John recommended four G10C/S speakers in the Super, and Brett says he’s happy as a clam with the results.  Personally, I would have went with a pair of ribbed cone G10’s along with the two smoothies … and Brett says he just MIGHT try that someday … but for now, he ain’t changing a thing!

Seriously, ain’t that a super cool chance meeting?  The WGS Gospel is spreading like crazy!  Here are some pics of Brett and his extra-super Super:

Fender Super Reverb Amp with Replacement Speakers

Fender Super Reverb Amp with Replacement Speakers

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