I’m a newby with a burning question.
I have an original 62 Fender Pro 6G5-A with a D-130 JBL.
I want a less sterile sound and am looking for some dirt at lower to moderate volumes.
Which 15 would you recommend and why?
Secondly, for the same amp, I was toying with the idea of converting the amp from the 15 to two 10 inch speakers.
I love the 2-10 Fender Vibroverb sound.....what would fit the bill? Of course, any videos or sound clips would be much appreciated.
1962 Brown Pro
06/05/2020 10:30am
I have an older 50’s tweed Pro and LOVE the G12A in it ... but that’s a bit of a inferential amp for sure!
And yes, I also LOVE both 2x10 as well as 4x10 combos ... you certainly COULD save the orig Baffle and speaker and make a 2x10 baffle ... that would have to be your call ... of course what you would end up with, sonically, is a Brown Super ... and amp I spent MANY years With as my main amp!
If You go that route, go with a pair of G10’s (either Alnico or Ceramic) ... You'll be brown away!