VAUGHN SKOW's blog | Warehouse Guitar Speakers


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The Differences between catagories of alnico magnets Alnico II vs Alnico V and more!

Vaughn Skow-all magnets-horz

Howdy guitar gang! Today we start our conversation on the somewhat  "Black Magic" topic of AlNiCo magnets; their composition, qualities, and what that means to their tone. AlNiCo magnets go all the way back to their development in the 1930s. AlNiCo magnets get their name from what they are made of and that would be the metals aluminum, AL, nickel, NI, and cobalt, CO along with iron and other trace elements. In the blogs that will follow this one we will get into the individual qualities of the various grades of AlNiCo (lets just call it alnico from

Happy 4th of July!

This Fourth of July weekend, Warehouse Guitar Speakers, All Pedal, and Vaughn Skow Guitar Pickups join in honoring our nation and celebrating our collective commitment to liberty and freedom for all. We wish you a safe and fun Fourth of July filled with bright and musical moments with family and friends.  Chuck Berry said it best:

"I'm So Glad I'm Living In The USA!".

4th of July

Vintage Guitar Amps, a Hedge Against Inflation?

Howdy guitar buddies!  If you have not thus far, go now and read last weeks blog to get up to speed on WHY we all need to figure out how to financially survive the next year or so. Last week I gave you my take on the viability of trading your rapidly eroding fiat/fake dollars into the hard asset of a vintage guitar.  Just like last week, I must issue this disclaimer: the views in this blog are mine and mine alone, I speak for other individual or company!!! Got that?? Okay, now...  lets roll! If you have been living under a rock or had your brain deactivated by the corporate mainstream media/social media and have not yet realized the mount of trouble we humans in the western world are in

Vintage Guitars, a Good Hedge against inflation in 2022 ?

413 - Vintage Guitars a Good Hedge aginst inflation in 2022?

So, wow!  I mean, wow.  2022 is shaping up to be quite interesting and we are seeing not just the United States, but really the entire Western World, change more dramatically than a human population this large has EVER encountered.  First I MUST say that this blog is the opinion of ME and only me personally, not the opinion of Warehouse Guitar Speakers, Vaughn Skow Pickups, All-Pedal or any other entity that aint ME!  Okay, with that outta the way, I gotta be honest with y'all, I really can't figure out just exactly WHERE this is all headed, but one thing I am sure of, and all the appropriate experts seem to agree: We are entering a period of hyper-inflation that may dwarf any other in

The Ultimate Guitar players In-Ear Monitor Survival Guide Part Two - The Pack

Okay gang, if you have arrived here and have NOT read the last three blogs on playing direct and in-ear monitoring, do it now!

Okay with that out of the way, let's get right down to it, quick-n-simple!

When you can, use a wired, NOT wireless pack!

Why on earth would you drag a CABLE around you might ask, and that's simple: they ALWAYS sound better. Period.  Even the cheapest Shure wired packs sound friggin excellent.  So if you are a drummer, keyboard player, or any player who basically stays in the same area, go with the wire, you'll thank me later.

The Ultimate Guitar players In-Ear Monitor Survival Guide Part One - The Earbuds

Okay guitar gang, these days it is getting more and more common for us guitar players to be forced to play direct and hear yourself ONLY through the ear-buds.  Wow, that takes some time getting used to.  And so ...

My first suggestion:

Whatever buds you ultimately end up using, spend a ton of time playing your guitar and your guitar with backing tracks using the in-ears.  This way, you will already be ahead of the game by being comfortable and confident with the tone of the in-ears.

If Ya Only Had ONE Modeler to Gig Direct With, Which One Should You Choode

Hi guitar friends!  Last week we discussed two great options for the ONE amp you can bring to a gig and need NOTHING else.  Check that blog out!  But these days we often are not even allowed an amp, we must play "direct" listening via in-ear monitors.  Now, a decade or so back this was like a death sentence, but these days it's really a cool option once you get used to it. 

If You Could Only Have ONE Amp in 2022 to Cover All Ground - Which Amp Should It Be?

Okay fellow guitar slingers.  So it's a weird, wild new world out there for all of us who want to still be on stage doin our thang.  In fact, it's downright rough, most certainly it's not for the faint of heart! And, for those of us who are still trying to get out and play some club gigs from time to time, the new rule is: whenever you can, press the "easy" button.  And for most of us that means bringing only ONE versatile guitar and amp and nuttin' else, one in one hand one in the other in and out like the breeze.  In some cases the amp will be replaced by a direct to the PA rig, we'll discuss THAT next time.  For now, let's talk about a swiss army knife of an amp, that amazing can do everything and do it well amp.  Ready?  Let's jump in!

How To Get Started Playing The Guitar The RIGHT Way

So, last week I blogged all about how important music was for a person's mind, body and soul.  But lets say someone asks you (maybe because you play guitar) how THEY can get started playing guitar.  I've been asked this question a thousand times ... often by parents wondering how best to launch their child into the wonderful world of musicianship.

How To Get Someone Started Playing Tghe Guitar The RIGHT Wa

Photo courtesy of Elsie Ecklund, check out her freaking awesome YouTube channel!

Being a Musician Makes you Better, Smarter, And Even More Attractive and Likeable!

Music makes you smarter

Playing guitar saved my life.  I know ... the Oscar for best dramatic lead goes to me!  But it just may be true.  From the early teen days when the bullies just LOVED to pick on me, right up until the horror of WHATEVER the heck has been going on in the world the last couple of crazy years (late 2020 to early 2022).  Can you say "stay at home" (all the freaking time)??  I am WAY too industrious and conscientious to sit at home and play video games, so man am I glad I had guitars to play and learn on!
