Local Guitar Builder Spotlight - #BuyLocal :-) | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Local Guitar Builder Spotlight - #BuyLocal :-)

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Local Guitar Builder Spotlight - #BuyLocal :-)

Guitar lovers from around the world take note!  I have decided it is long overdue that I begin shining a spotlight on unique quality small guitar builders, and I'm starting with one I just recently discovered in my own back yard, rural Sumner County, Tennessee!  Gary Yerby builds all of his guitars using neck-through designs, even his acoustic models.  His wood combination of choice is hard maple with mahogany inserts and detail.  Yerby has only been building for three years, since his retirement, and has already built 65 guitars and basses. 

Vaughn Skow Hi-Lo tron pickups

Here is my personal Yerby Guitar sporting my "holy-crap those sound great" Hi-Lo 'Tron inspired pickups.

Yerby's designs are unique, with some serious shagadelic 1960's flair combined with the eye of an artist.  To date, no major artists are playing Yerby guitars, but I feel that's soon going to change.  Yerby is currently working on upping his game by using top-shelf Vaughn Skow pickups, Tone Pro bridges, and Sperzel locking tuners. The result is a guitar that sounds and plays as good as it looks.  I almost hate to turn y'all on to this largly undiscovered gem, as once he gets discovered his guitars will certainly cost 5-10 times what they currently sell for.   You can find Yerby on Facebook, look him and his cool as heck guitars up.

For now I'll end this blog with a little good-old fashioned guitar porn. Y'all enjoy ... and NO ... it's not a sin to oogle THESE gals!

Gary Yerby GuitarsGary Yerby Guitar

Gary Yerby Acoustic Guitar

Vaughn Skow Yerby Guitar

Okie dokie fellow guitar loving guys-n-gals, next week I'll share another builder that is guaranteed to blow your minds (seriously ... not kidding here).  Prepare yourselves, it's gonna be flat-out a-frickin-mazing!  See ya then, y'all be good.